December 19, 2014

Picture Records 6 Months of HRT

          I do apologize for the lack of posting again. Not as much going on in my life as one would expect. Things are mostly quiet for me, though recently I have been sick and depressed. Blah. I am going to do a comparison picture record this time and every six months from here on out. I realize I am some days late but with the constant napping and depressed feelings I haven't been around much.

November 18, 2014

Just Talking

          I just wanted to say that everything is going well. There isn't a whole lot of changes going on with me at the moment. Trying to get records of where my hormonal changes are at, though there was a mix up with the lab work done so I will not be getting that until next February. When I get that information I will post the original hormone readings, and the changes so everyone will know how things have changed. I am taking my writing to newer levels and have started a page on Facebook for the purpose of book sales, and getting my name further out there. I have not yet legally changed my name, though in most cases I am going by the name Rachyl everywhere. Everyone seems to be learning to accept things better. There are times when my family has some trouble, but I am understanding of that, as they have known me so long by another name and had no idea of what was truly inside. Things are progressing very well though. Very well. I am in a calm place within myself as of late. Been feeling this way for a while. I have my emotional issues but am able to keep them locked inside and deal with them upon my own terms. My writing has taken on a more loving aspect again, as I bounce through my emotions on a daily basis. Hopefully I will see different things or be more understanding of different things that I may be able to post more on a better schedule and report to those who want to know what it is all about to go through such a process.

November 13, 2014

Breast Growth

          At some point in the future, I will no longer be posting this kind of information. I am sure that you would understand why given the circumstances of the information I am letting out. However, at this point, there is no reason to really be too awfully concerned. I am not big enough to really have much to hide. In truth, from the last time I posted, there has been no outward growth. My measurements remain the same. 36 under bust. 37 1/2 bust. Nothing to really get too awfully excited over. On the other hand though, I have noticed that they are filling out a bit more, in turn becoming slightly more rounded and better shaped than just some Madonna looking points poking out there. I like this idea, as that is one of the more major parts of who I am trying to become. My facial appearance, and my breasts are the two most important parts of this journey for me.

My Style. Corset Picture.

This is the corset I have decided on as for going back to my darker self in some ways. Not to say I won't still have my feminine, girly side of myself. But in all honesty, I want my darker self to shine through more as it should always have done. I have become quite a bit more comfortable allowing my darker side out. This is just merely a start. Not fully dark, but of a darker nature. It's also my favorite color. Yay!!!

Ups and Downs

          I know I have honestly neglected many things as far as the blogging goes. Things were really starting to perk up, though I noticed that as they perked up, more and more of my time wound up monopolized in a sense. I gave my all to another part of my life, and continued to try for that part of my life, even after things started getting to a more bitter place. Because of the things going on, I became slightly more depressed, slowly losing interest in the things that had been keeping me going. I refused to give up on the HRT. I will not back down that far, though as depression tends to rise, my own self resolve tends to sink. Things came crashing down on me after a rather brief moment of true and utter bliss. I believed I had been graced and blessed. It was not so however. It was meant as a lesson I now believe, just as other moments in my life seem to be crashing and I believe them to be lessons as well. I will not allow the anger to resurface the way it used to. After watching so many good and bad things crawl through my life, I have decided to truly push myself that I may get back here to actually post the things I would like to post. I actually have another picture I will be posting, though not of a photographic record of my transition. Instead I will be posting a picture of something I intend to buy. I have worn mostly rather girly clothes since just before I started this journey, however in all honesty, I was never the type to be quite that girly. While I do have a strong feminine side, I also have extreme affinity for the darkness. Horror. Things one would experience in their mind during a traumatic depression experience. Because of this, I always found things such as spiked collars, and chain, or spiked bracelets to be attractive. I used to dress more that way now and then, though as the man I was born to be (yuck) I would not actually settle on a style. Most of this was my own insecurity within my own skin. Now that I am so much more secure, I am ready to let more of my darkness and odd attractions to come to life. I am going to be the woman Rachyl was meant to be. I only wish I had let her out sooner. As for the HRT, things are going very smoothly. I am still doing well, and have much more femininity to show. :-)